
Getting started with DruxtSite

DruxtSite gives you an out-of-the-box Drupal site experience with a Nuxt.js frontend.

Think of the DruxtSite module as a distribution of Drupal, Nuxt and Druxt to provide a Vue.js theme layer for Drupal.

Quickstart - GitPod

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Getting started

All Druxt sites need both Drupal (backend) and Nuxt (frontend) to be installed.

Each codebase can live in its own directory within a single repository, or exist in seperate repositories.


  1. Install Drupal

  2. Download the Drupal Druxt module:

    composer require drupal/druxt
  3. Install the module: Install the module

  4. Add the "access druxt resources" permission to a user/role: Druxt 'access druxt resources' permission


  1. Install Nuxt

    npx create-nuxt-app [destination]
  2. Install the Site module:

    npm i druxt-site
  3. Add the module and configuration to nuxt.config.js:

    export default {
      modules: [
      druxt: {
        baseUrl: ''

    * Note: Replace with your own Drupal backend.

  4. Add the DruxtSite component to your page or layout:

      <DruxtSite :theme="theme" />
  5. Start Nuxt: npm run dev